Did you see the April, 2006 issue of Car Craft Magazine? The cover story is "Paint your Car at Home", and it's all about how expensive it is these days to do paint and bodywork on a car. The author, Jeff Smith, writes:
"Today, the cost of materials can easily run $2000 and up if you want to use top-notch materials and do the job right. Labor cost? Expect to pay $60 per hour minimum. So, this leaves the budget-beleagured car crafter with one alternative--do it yourself. You've probably heard all this before, but it demands repeating. The key to a quality paint job is all in the prep work before any color ever finds its way onto the car."
The article goes on for 6 more pages, detailing every aspect of painting your car at home, with lots of good, detailed photographs. Best of all, what a pleasant surprise to find Abrasive Resource listed at the end of the article as one of their material suppliers! Since they gave our website a "shout out", we will do the same...
If you are interested in purchasing a back issue of Car Craft Magazine, simply go to www.carcraft.com and click on the link for "Back Issues". Click on Car Craft in the left navigational bar and then scroll down the page until you find April, 2006!
The sanding discs used for refinishing the '65 El Camino in this article can be found at www.abrasiveresource.com